Send free SMS to Russian phone numbers

send sms to Russia

Fill fields and send the message to the addressee in Russia free of charge without registration.
In the SMS sender field, you can specify a phone number or any other

Specify its phone number in a format in a field of the receiver of SMS: 7 (xxx) xxxx xxx
The text message sent on the Internet has restriction on quantity of characters.
Pay attention that the quantity of SMS transferred free of charge in Russia of messages can be limited.

Send free SMS to phone number in Russia-1


Follow rules of a free online service of sending SMS messages in Russia:
1. The text of the SMS message should not contain insults or threats;
2. Information of advertizing, false or fraudulent character;
3. The other information contradicting the current legislation of Russia.

Send free SMS to phone number in Russia-2

Your IP address automatically remains when sending the SMS message on the Internet

Get SMS to virtual phone number in Russia for free without registration!

Get SMS to virtual phone number in Russia for free without registration!

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